Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Update MA Medical Exemption Bill SB 784: 6/29/10 --per Kris Christine of the Rabies Challenge Fund:

(May be cross-posted; need your help if interested, in passing this in Massachusetts for dogs needing an exemption from the anti-rabies Vaccine)

Update MA Medical Exemption Bill SB 784: 6/29/10 --per Kris Christine of the Rabies Challenge Fund:

“I spoke with a staff person in Senator Eldridge's office this morning, and they said the Senator has been receiving calls requesting that he write the Rules Committee asking that SB 784, the rabies medical exemption bill, be reintroduced for passage and that "It is on his radar." Please continue to call the two Co-Chairs of the Massachusetts Municipalities and Regional Government Committee asking them to request reintroduction of Senate Bill #784 “

Senator James Eldridge, Co-Chair James.Eldridge@state.ma.us Phone: (617) 722-1120 Fax: (617) 722-1089
Representative Paul Donato Co-Chair Rep.PaulDonato@hou.state.ma.us Phone: (617) 722-2090 Fax: (617) 722-2848

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