Saturday, August 21, 2010



By Andrew C. Wallace
August 21, 2010

REJOICE AND CELEBRATE, FOR THE WORDS IN THIS TITLE ARE ABSOLUTELY TRUE. Getting back our jobs and prosperity is simple. But, you must have the courage to use the facts in this document to demand that your candidates perform specified functions, or the elections will change nothing. The Truths in this paper are so Absolutely Powerful, Anti-PC and Anti-Marxist Media, that some may question them as being outrageous. You are encouraged to do your own research. Underlined activities should be accomplished first.

Our Marxist Progressive Officials are Traitors, who have unconstitutionally seized our government and are killing us by a Thousand Cuts, with more every day. We can’t respond to daily slashings, so before we bleed to death, we must defeat them with just a few bold constitutional moves using the “Rule of Law” that experience has guaranteed will return us to unlimited prosperity and freedom under our Constitution.

If the Traitorous Marxist Officials continue to deny us the “Rule of Law,” and try to defeat us with the “Barrel of a Gun” as they so often threaten, then many Americans will soon die; but the Marxists will all be dead, including the Union thugs, and members of the Elite Families who control the Marxist puppet traitors in government.

The Marxist traitors should be advised of these quotes. “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable,” President John F. Kennedy in 1962. “The use of force without authority, always puts him that uses it into a state of war as the aggressor, and renders him liable to be treated accordingly,” Timothy Baldwin quote from, John Locke and C. B. Macpherson, ed., Second Treatise of Government, (1980), 80-81

Your only choice is to live and die as a proud and free American, or to suffer in abject groveling poverty as a slave to the arrogant Marxist Heathens who despise ordinary working people. Most Blacks and Whites in the inner cities still support Marxist Progressives, formerly known as Democrats, even after 100 years of failed promises, poverty, persecution, contempt and attempts to kill the Blacks. Inner cities are actual Marxist utopias that will soon suffer cataclysmic declines in government support because of reduced contributions from working taxpayers.

• Prosperity is also Impossible for people of any race without (1) proper families, (2) God, and (3) an honest education, which the Marxist progressives have done everything possible to prevent and destroy

• The mayors of New York, Chicago, Washington, DC and other sanctuary cities are doing everything they can to deny citizens their constitutional right to protect themselves from criminals and government tyranny by bearing arms. In these cities, there is no hope of arming honest citizens to support the police and protect themselves; so citizens and police in these cities who can, should practice self preservation and move before the total collapse of society that is being deliberately caused by Marxism.

Marxist officials at all levels, and branches of government, have passed and enforced mostly unconstitutional laws for power and massive looting with absolutely no legal authority or power to do so, while denying citizens their God given constitutional rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

It is impossible, and contrary to human nature, to see how these Marxist Traitors who have exercised unconstitutional and brutal power to deprive the people of their “God Given Constitutional Rights” can expect any protection, mercy, or consideration of any kind from the sovereign citizens of this Republic. The crimes of these Marxists against God and man are second in consequence only to those of Judas Iscariot.

You must know our Marxist enemies, most people don’t. Bill Madden claims: “The leaders are among our wealthiest families here, in Europe and in other parts of the world who aggressively shun publicity. These super-rich families control everything through their major equity positions in the world’s largest corporations owned by their family tax-free foundations (Read) and off -shore numbered accounts. These giant corporations are used as cash cows to subsidize think tanks, shadow government organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Tri-Lateral Commission and the Project for the New American Century, elite universities, unions, the controlled media, leaders of both political parties, lobbyists, government bureaucrats and leaders in other fields such as religion, education and the law.” I call this the “Chain of Command for Treason” which must be destroyed. It is suicidal not to understand this shell game, where the puppet officials of both parties confuse the public by taking turns vilifying the very same Traitors (special interests) who pull their strings for the Super Rich. Some refer to this as the two headed snake.

Our victory over the Godless Marxist Heathens in government will be simple, but not easy.

• First, we must defeat all Marxist Progressive incumbents, both Democrat and Republican, who committed Treason by voting for unconstitutional laws, and anti-constitution judges while looting our country.

• Next, we must vote only for candidates who convince us that they have the courage and conviction to prosecute officials they replace for Treason and related crimes.

• Your candidates must also agree to impeach and prosecute Marxist Officials not up for reelection.

• Candidates must agree to impeach the four or five Supreme Court Judges who do not strictly comply with the written word and meaning of the constitution and Declaration of Independence.

• Candidates must agree to fire all Federal Judges and to reinstate only those few who have complied with the constitution, don’t make law from the bench and don’t deny people their constitutional rights in court.

• Candidates who don’t understand or support the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, must be defeated.

Now, most importantly your candidates must agree to reverse at once every unconstitutional law passed in the last four years, and divest government of ownership in all business interests. All federal actions, laws, and departments, not authorized by the 10th amendment are unconstitutional and are to be terminated at once. Candidates must promise, as a first order of business to hold hearings on the constitutional right of Barack Obama to be President and on his many criminal actions while in office.

Putting Americans back to work with unlimited prosperity and freedom is simple. Our candidates need only reverse a few laws that benefit the Marxist Super Rich families as follows:

• Eliminate the Income Tax, Tax Free Foundations, IRS and all Federal Taxes, replacing taxes with income from Protective Tariffs only, as was effectively done until 1913.

• Raising the price of imported goods with tariffs deprives the corporations of excess profits from cheap foreign labor forcing them to hire and produce in this country .

• Illegals are highly profitable for employers at the expense of jobs, lowered wage rates for Americans, and increased taxpayer supported expenses. Taxpayers must pay about $25,000 a year to support each illegal head of household which figures out to cost each American, man , women and child about $100 a month each, or $400 a month for a family of four.

• Illegals are also responsible for either the murder, killing, rape, robbery, or molestation of millions of Americans.

• Corporate profits and corruption from drugs and slave labor is the reason Illegals are allowed to invade us and remain in direct violation of the Constitution.

• Contrary to the lies of the Marxist media, Black, Hispanic and Asian Americans want the illegals to go home, Three former presidents deported every single illegal.

• The government must deport all illegals which would end unemployment of citizens willing to work, and dramatically reduce government expenditures.

• The intent of the 14th Amendment, contrary to popular opinion, does not authorize citizenship at birth for children of illegals, so stop it with legislation or the courts.

• Any candidate, regardless of party, who does not forcefully advocate all anti-illegal actions listed, is a fellow traveler, an establishment Marxist in hiding, a sleeper, who has been bought and paid for by the Marxist elites. Also any candidate receiving favorable support from the Marxist media or other establishment notables, is highly suspect.

Warning, any illegals remaining in this country when welfare and related benefits are terminated, or valueless for Americans due to Marxist induced depression and hyperinflation will be in mortal danger from hungry and angry mobs.

• Foreign workers being brought in on visas while millions of Americans are unemployed must end

• NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT and all Free Trade agreements allowing manufacturers to exploit foreign workers in other countries while firing Americans must be repealed.

• All international Treaties and Agreements that reduce American Sovereignty in any way must be repealed, such as Law of the Sea. Support of the United Nations must be terminated along with all associated treaties and agreements, most Importantly Agenda 21.

• “The root of nearly every one of the issues we are fighting against is the result of the drive to impose the UN’s Agenda 21 and its policy of Sustainable Development. It is why the government won’t secure our border and stop the invasion of illegals. The full concept of Sustainable Development is rooted in what we call the three Es – Social Equity, Economic Prosperity and Ecological Integrity. It is an entire social agenda designed to create what Al Gore called a “wrenching transformation” of our society. Sustainable Development’s Social Equity plank is based on a demand for “social justice,” a term coined by Karl Marx. It means that individuals must give up “selfish” wants for the needs of the common good or the “community.” Through such a policy everyone has the right to demand a job, healthcare and housing. Sustainable Development is against national borders, calling them a “social injustice. Just as it says private property ownership is a social injustice because it helps build wealth for some. These are the ideas that helped create the downfall of our economy. The root of Sustainable Development is nothing less than redistribution of wealth.” -Tom DeWeese

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