Friday, February 4, 2011

Egypt Joel Skousen


The mess in Egypt is symptomatic of a major transition taking place in various African and Middle Eastern countries--taking advantage of boiling, pent up frustration with Western-backed dictators who have been sapping the wealth out of nations and suppressing dissent. For decades this frustration has gone nowhere--and it can't, really, unless a bigger power secretly sets the revolution in motion by whispering support for key opposition leaders. While the media has made this out to be a rather spontaneous uprising, it never happens that way. Only after assurances of external backing does an opposition leader (willing to be controlled by the West) have the clout to tell their followers that this time they can succeed. When the US decides it's time to dump a leader like Mubarak, who they have supported for decades, they never tell him and thus the leader fights back thinking he is still supported by the West.

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