Sunday, May 24, 2015

Liver Loving Herbs and Superfoods for Beautiful Skin

Liver Loving Herbs and Superfoods for Beautiful SkinLiver Loving Herbs and Superfoods for Beautiful Skin

In previous articles on skin health, I wrote about the importance of healing the gut, optimizing digestion, and proper intake of certain skin beautifying vitamins and minerals in order to heal most skin conditions.
While this is all well and good, there is more to improving digestion than just healing the gut and optimizing digestion. The digestive system is made up of your gallbladder, liver and pancreas in addition to your actual stomach. These organs therefore also need TLC to function optimally. If not, they become congested and overwhelmed, leading to symptoms, which for some can result in skin issues.
The Liver Lowdown
The liver is our second largest and most important detoxifying organ in our body. Can you guess the first?
Yes, it’s the skin, which is why if the liver is sluggish, skin problems can develop. In essence, the liver supports the health of the skin. Every toxin in our body is taken to the liver to be cleaned and transformed (fat-soluble into water soluble forms) that can then be excreted so that the body is able to expel it via the colon. It removes harmful bacteria, chemicals, toxins, and even removes excess hormones. The liver also stores vitamins A, D, B-12, iron, copper, and is even a site for glucose storage.  It is where the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats take place.
Bile production is an especially important role of the liver when it comes to the skin. Bile is stored in the gallbladder which contracts every time we consume fat.  It breaks down lipids into smaller particles so that we can absorb and utilize them, otherwise we don’t get the benefits of eating good fats. The other important role of bile is to stimulate peristaltic action, which is the muscle contraction that happens in the digestive track to move food and waste through the intestines. If bile doesn’t get released, this doesn’t happen and it can become difficult to produce a bowel movement.
So what does this have to do with the skin? It’s all about toxins. The more toxins, the more stress the liver endures 24/7 and this shows like a mirror via skin health.
An overworked liver means that it’s not functioning optimally, and therefore can’t keep a clean home. One of the first signs that the liver is congested are bowel problems. If constipation is an issue, or you’re going less than twice a day, this can keep extra toxins hanging around. This happens because the colon reabsorbs toxins if transit time is slowed and bowel waste is sitting there longer than it should be. Think of each bowel movement as a meal. Typically we’re eating three meals a day, which means we should be moving our bowels nearly as often too!
Other symptoms of a sluggish liver include:
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Acne/skin rashes
  • Poor tolerance to coffee, alcohol, smoke or fragrances
  • Brain fog
  • Indigestion after eating
  • Constipation, diarrhea or light or dark colored stools
  • Difficulty losing weight even with diet efforts
  • Pain in the lower right rib
  • Waking at night between 2am and 4am
A large part of maintaining healthy skin is making sure you take good care of your liver and gall bladder, as well as healing the stomach if needed. The good news is the liver can and does regenerate every 5 months, relatively quickly and effectively compared to other organs. The liver responds extremely well to foods, but especially herbs. Here are some liver loving herbs and foods you can introduce into your diet to make sure you are supporting it properly.
Liver loving herbs:
  • Dandelion
  • Milk thistle
  • Bitter Greens
  • Nettle leaves
  • Cilantro
  • Parsley
  • Chlorella/ Spirulinahelps clear toxins from the body, boosts immunity and Increases oxygen uptake.
  • Brewer’s Yeasthigh in nucleic acid which is an important component of cell development. Also a rich source of B vitamins, folate, potassium and chromium.
  • Garlic-High in allicin and selenium that can aid in cleansing the liver.
  • Lemons, limes and Grapefruit- Eating or drinking the juices of these fruits, or warm lemon water first thing in the morning, can help your liver flush out toxins and assist in cleansing.
  • Beets- high in flavanoids, which your liver loves! Eat them raw, juiced or in Kvass form.
  • Leafy Greens-The abundant chlorophyll and minerals contained here are super supportive in the detoxification process.
  • WheyAdding whey to your diet can help your body produce glutathione, which is needed for phase I and II of detoxification.
  • TurmericAssists in fat digestion as it stimulates bile production and studies have shown it to have powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Liver! A true superfood. Think of the term “like cures like”. Liver has all the nutrition your own liver needs to stay healthy, just make sure you get the highest quality from pasture raised animals!
  • Burdock Root- A published study found that burdock helps heal and protect against liver damage. Research’s link this to its antioxidant properties.
Tips to get these foods into your daily diet:
  • Start your morning off with some lemon water upon rising.
  • Make a protein shake with whey, berries or grapefruit, spirulina and coconut milk for a quick breakfast or snack.
  • Drink herbal liver detox teas daily instead of coffee.
  • Make a large raw salad with beets, leafy greens, and garlic (great in dressings).
  • Sprinkle Brewer’s yeast onto veggies, salads or onto any dehydrated veggie chips (my favorite)!
  • Make a stir fry, curry, or soup with Turmeric (great for the fall and winter months approaching)
  • Learn to love liver! Pate is my all time favorite but you can cook it up or add it to main meats as well if you prefer not to eat it as a spread.
Support your liver in all phases!
Many times I find that people respond wonderfully from just supporting and restoring methylation and glutathione levels to help properly detox the liver. The liver has a total of three phases. Common support to address liver health usually focuses around phase I only, which is to convert fat soluble toxins to a water soluble form to be excreted.
This can be extremely harmful when free radicals are being formed but not exiting the body quickly, because an accumulation can rapidly happen rather if not all phases are working properly.  Phase II goes further to make toxins less harmful to the body by pairing it with a glutathione molecule and making it more water soluble. This is why many people’s glutathione levels are depleted, because they are too toxic and the body is using mass amounts to deal with the congestion. Phase III is the elimination phase. Toxins are now carried to the bloodstream to be expelled out of the body.
Methylation and glutathione are both extremely important to make sure these phases all happen. For our bodies to produce glutathionewe also need nutrients such as N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), alpha lipoic acid, selenium, B12, folate, B6, and glycine. Raw dairy is one of the best food sources of glutathione, as it is not absorbed well in supplement form via the digestive track. Focus on all the food sources above, as well as relieving liver stress by using the skin to release toxins: via sweat, exercise, sauna, epsom salt baths.  The more ways you support it, the healthier your liver will be which will correspondingly show through both how you feel and how your skin looks!
About The Author
Carla is a  Board Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) who uses nutrition, diet and lifestyle interventions to support physiological mechanisms within the body. She is the founder of Wise Roots Nutrition, which is an integrative approach that focuses on customized plans to support the root cause of a person’s health challenge.
Carla educates and empowers you to make responsible and healthful food choices that restore balance and proper function to your body, as well as offers lab testing to provide accurate recommendations and effective solutions.
She believes in finding the root cause of a condition, rather than just treating the symptoms. Carla works with people locally in San Francisco, as well as long distance via phone and Skype. She specializes in Digestive Issues, Weight Loss and Skin Conditions.
Sign up to get Carla’s weekly nutrition tips, ideas, and the latest health information on her site, or connect with her on Facebook.

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